Owning your own home is America's unique recipe for avoiding revolution and promoting pseudo-equality at the same time.
Florence KingA woman must wait for her ovaries to die before she can get her rightful personality back. Post-menstrual is the same as pre-menstrual; I am once again what I was before the age of twelve: a female human being who knows that a month has thirty day, not twenty-five, and who can spend every one of them free of the shackles of that defect of body and mind known as femininity.
Florence KingWe worship education but hate learning. We worship success but hate the successful. We worship fame but hate the famous.
Florence KingSoutherners have a genius for psychological alchemy...If something intolerable simply cannot be changed, driven away or shot they will not only tolerate it but take pride in it as well.
Florence KingThere is more sexism in a year's worth of movies than actually exists in a woman's entire lifetime.
Florence KingHereditary monarchy offers numerous advantages for America. It is the only form of government able to unify a heterogeneous people. Thanks to centuries of dynastic marriage, the family tree of every royal house is an ethnic grab bag with something for everybody. We need this badly; America is the only country in the world where you can suffer culture shock without leaving home. We can't go on much longer depending upon disasters like Pearl Harbor and the Iranian hostage-taking to "bring us together.
Florence King