Be a great capitalist. Be a great socialist. Be a great whatever you want to be, but do it with style, clarity and precision. That is the hallmark of those who seek higher knowledge and truth.
Frederick LenzAdvanced meditators are not even desirous of liberation anymore - that is just another attachment. There is no liberation. There is no bondage. These are just ideas of the mind.
Frederick LenzThe anti-pleasure movement in self-discovery is very strong. I have big news for them, if they ever get to enlightenment, which is unlikely the way they're approaching it, they're going to find that enlightenment is very pleasurable.
Frederick LenzThere are spirits in Hawaii. They're very protective and very good and they watch over these islands. I must confess, they're not entirely happy with what they see, with the way the civilization is moving. But they're patient. They've been here for a long time, and they'll be here long after the human beings have ceased to inhabit the islands.
Frederick Lenz