If you take the time to bring the light of the supra-conscious into your being, then automatically all blockages will go away. These are just ways of talking, there are no blockages, schematically I mean.
Frederick LenzEnergy is food. Most people on earth feed on each other's energy, all of the time, seven days a week. The more energy you have, the more interested parties there will be in having lunch.
Frederick LenzThe navel center will bring the power of all three of the lower chakras into your being, but with safety.
Frederick LenzWhen you go into the other worlds, when you go into the luminous dimensions, it's very different than here. You really have to have your act wired. You have to be very strong. Your mind has to be in the right shape. Otherwise, when you get out there, what you will see will drive you mad.
Frederick Lenz