A person who doesn't dress well, who doesn't spend time and attention with their physical being, has a very loose being.
Frederick LenzEven though it's not perceivable to the mind or senses, it's there and enlightenment is absolute freedom.
Frederick LenzThe mind is like a computer. It runs programs. Most of the software has been poorly written. It is written in the language of fear.
Frederick LenzThose who are already adept at some disciplines of the body will find that the study of Zen and meditation will give you much more control than you now have.
Frederick LenzYou'll notice all around the Hindu temples couples, statues and drawings, in various erotic forms of love-making. This used to give the British a lot of trouble because they were kind of white and uptight. It didn't quite fit. How could a temple of God be covered with pictures of people, in their term, fornicating?
Frederick Lenz