Ninety percent of metabolic oxygen comes from breathing. Ten percent comes from food.
Gabriel CousensWith liquid zeolite, we have returned to the basic healing approach for all chronic diseases, which is to free up and activate the vital life force. Liquid zeolite is truly an alchemical gift from the Divine
Gabriel CousensPeace is not something that happens by accident. Peace is like silence; it is always there. The lack of harmony in our lives is like noise superimposed on the silence. THe issue is not how to create peace, but how to live in a way that eliminates the noise.
Gabriel CousensResearch cited by Robert Cohen has made the point that there is up to a gallon of extra mucus in the body created as a result of drinking dairy. The mucus problem is associated with the fact that 87 percent of milk protein is casein, the main ingredient of Elmer's Glue.
Gabriel Cousens