All of the searching, all of the struggling, all of the efforting to find your true self is naturally revealed in open, relaxed simplicity.
GangajiWhen you are free enough to stop searching for freedom, you recognize that freedom is always here, it's your nature as timeless presence. That doesn't mean the circumstances are always free, of course.
GangajiI don't mean to say that you shouldn't take care of your body, or want to keep it from dying. But it doesn't have the same hold as when you totally identify yourself as the body. To recognize the tenderness of mortality, the fragility of your life form and all life forms, including cosmic life forms, is to be humbled in a deep way that is actually enlivening.
GangajiWe have tried everything to get rid of suffering. We have gone everywhere to get rid of suffering. We have bought everything to get rid of it. We have ingested everything to get rid of it. Finally, when one has tried enought, there arises the possibility of spiritual maturity with the willingness to stop the futile attempt to get rid of it and, instead, to actually experience suffering. In that momentous instant, there is the realization of that which is beyond suffering, of that which is untouched by suffering. There is the realization of who one truly is.