I'll tell you this: You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
Gary BuseyFive parts of my brain contain alien power, whatever I do or say cannot be denied on the intergalactic highway of existence.
Gary BuseyAnd freedom comes with grace, kindness, understanding, and love. Don't take anything personal, folks. Whatever is said about you or rumored or you heard something - you haven't done anything wrong and it's not your fault. That is your own self-invisible anchor that will stop your boat of life from going forward.
Gary BuseyGiving is better than receiving, 'cause that's the ability you give somebody to get stronger than they would be, than they could be, than they should be, before you loved them. When you give somebody the ability to feel your love and your healing, you're a doctor in the spirit, bringin' medicine from God to your heart and on to them.
Gary Busey