Health is the first benefit. Content is the first fortune. Friendliness is the first kindness. Nirvana is the first happiness.
Gautama BuddhaIn exactly the same way, ... scatter your body, your feeling, your perception, your predispositions, your discriminative consciousness, break them up, knock them down, cease to play with them, apply yourself to the destruction of craving for them. Verily, ... the extinction of craving is Nirvana.
Gautama BuddhaKindnessis giving others happiness.Compassionis removing others' bitterness.Joyis freeing others from suffering.
Gautama BuddhaBuddha was speaking in a village square one day, when one of the inhabitants started to abuse him. Buddha paused and said to the man, "If you offer me a piece of paper and I refuse to accept it, what happens to the paper?" "Why, it stays with me, of course," the villager replied. Buddha smiled gently, "And that is exactly what I am doing with your abuse," he said. "I am not accepting it, therefore it stays with you."
Gautama Buddha