For some reason, we are truly convinced that if we criticize ourselves, the criticism will lead to change. If we are harsh, we believe we will end up being kind. If we shame ourselves, we believe we end up loving ourselves. It has never been true, not for a moment, that shame leads to love. Only love leads to love.
Geneen RothYou don't need a scale to tell you whether you're allowed to like yourself today. You are. You belong here. No matter what you weigh, you deserve joy and happiness.
Geneen RothYou are lovable, you are loving; your choices about food will reflect that, if you give yourself a chance.
Geneen RothYou are not your past, not your habits, not your compulsions. When you get to know who you are, anything becomes possible.
Geneen RothYou are not a mistake. You are not a problem to be solved. Treat yourself with outrageous kindness beginning today.
Geneen RothStaying requires being curious about who you actually are when you don't take yourself to be a collection of memories.When you don't infer your existence from replaying what happened to you, when you don't take yourself to be the girl your mother/father/brother/teacher/lover didn't see or adore. When you sense yourself directly, immediately, right now, without preconception, who are you?
Geneen Roth