First of all, for me the secret is in the ingredients. You don't need to start spending fortunes on organic foods and start becoming way over budget. The better the ingredient, the littler that needs doing to it.
Gordon RamsayIf a chef says to you that he sits down and eats dinner before service, then it's bulls***. And if they do, then I'd tell them that they are a fat f***! You shouldn't indulge, because you need to keep your palate on edge, and keeping it on edge is all about small attention to detail and tweaking along the way.
Gordon RamsayCooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye.
Gordon Ramsay[ Full English breakfast] it's what we grew up with! It is the one big treat that the kids get on the weekend - it's good family time.
Gordon Ramsay