When we were in the Munich house, sometimes [Adolf Hitler] would call the house line after one of their fights. They would talk and then Eva [Braun] would emerge from her room and behave normally.
Gretl BraunThis was all very early on, there was no romance between them then,[Adolf] Hitler was living with Geli Raubal and made a very big display over her, that she was his great love and so forth.
Gretl BraunWagner festival was [Adolf Hitler] time with the Wagner family. [Eva Braun] asked once to attend but he forbade it and that was that, she never asked again.
Gretl BraunI knew when they [with Adolf Hitler] had been fighting because Eva [Braun] always reacted the same way. She would lock herself in her bedroom and cry and cry, sometimes for a long time.
Gretl Braun