Whatever anybody wants to say about my sister, [Eva Braun] was always beautifully dressed with a great flair for fashion. [Adolf] Hitler was not this way.
Gretl Braun[Eva Braun] would much rather have been at [Adolf ] Hitler's side. All those excursions were to fill up her time while waiting for him to return.
Gretl BraunShortly after Eva's [Braun] second attempt at suicide, [Adolf] Hitler moved quickly, as we discussed already. I can't tell you how difficult it was for her living at the apartment of our parents. I wasn't happy there, but Eva was miserable, I can tell you that.
Gretl BraunIf [Eva Braun] was crying upstairs, it wouldn't be long before [Adolf] Hitler would quietly excuse himself and then make things right. What he said to her, I don't know. Whether he said the words "I'm sorry," I don't know. But he was a charmer, he knew how to stop a woman from crying.
Gretl BraunWhen [Adolf] Hitler was in Munich, their place [with Eva Braun] to meet was always his apartment. Before that, it was at Hoffmann's place. They had their routine there, Hitler had his security there, it was a place he was used to. He never got used to the apartment he got us on the Widenmayerstraรe .
Gretl Braun