What initially attracts us and what later becomes 'the problem' are usually one and the same.
Harriet LernerBeing in touch with our bodies, or more accurately, being our bodies, is how we know what is true. Harriet
Harriet LernerBeing who we are requires that we can talk openly about things that are important to us, that we take a clear position on where we stand on important emotional issues, and that we clarify the limits of what is acceptable and tolerable to us in a relationship.
Harriet LernerThe best apology, I think, was from my husband, Steve, who slept with a close friend of mine decades back, when we were committed to being life partners but not yet married. And many of the factors that made Steve's apology so healing are universal. One important thing is that he confessed to the affair, rather than my discovering it. He looked deeply into his own history in terms of why this happened, but he never used that history as an excuse.
Harriet Lerner