Given that by age 23, almost a third of Americans are arrested for a crime, it becomes clear that in the new militarized state young people, especially poor minorities, are viewed as predators, a threat to corporate governance, and are treated as disposable populations.
Henry GirouxAs the welfare state is hollowed out, a culture of compassion is replaced by a culture of violence, cruelty and disposability.
Henry GirouxThe present generation has been born into a throwaway society of consumers in which both goods and young people are increasingly objectified and disposable.
Henry GirouxThere appears to be no space outside the panoptican of commercial barbarism and casino capitalism.
Henry GirouxThe production of knowledge in schools today is instrumental, wedded to objective outcomes, privatized, and is largely geared to produce consuming subjects. The organizational structures that make such knowledge possible enact serious costs on any viable notion of critical education and critical pedagogy. Teachers are deskilled, largely reduced to teaching for the test, business culture organizes the governance structures of schooling, knowledge is viewed as a commodity, and students are treated reductively as both consumers and workers.
Henry Giroux