Every deadline was a crisis … No doubt it has something to do with a deep-seated personality defect, or maybe a kink in whatever blood vessel leads into the pineal gland … On the other hand, it might easily be something as simple and basically perverse as whatever instinct it is that causes a jackrabbit to wait until the last possible second to dart across the road in front of a speeding car.
Hunter S. Thompson[Chicago]: This vicious, stinking zoo, this mean-grinning, mace-smelling boneyard of a city: an elegant rockpile of a monument to everything cruel and stupid and corrupt in the human spirit.
Hunter S. ThompsonYou'd be surprised at the things people will do in order to get their names or pictures in the paper.
Hunter S. ThompsonDemocracy as a system has evolved into something that Thomas Jefferson didn't anticipate.
Hunter S. Thompson