Some changes we can control, but we find that many things are inseparably wired into the life we share in local, national, and global communities. For example, the healthy lifestyle you are determined to live and take to be a personal choice of which you have control, is heavily influenced and limited by the culture and industries of the communities you belong to.
Ilchi LeeWe live with many thoughts, emotions, and habits, but at the same time we have other eyes, another mind capable of watching all of these things. Those who practice self-cultivation find that mind; they live with it and they die with it.
Ilchi LeeNow the choices you make are not about finding your path. Rather, they are choices to open the path you have found.
Ilchi Lee. . . if you close your eyes and begin to feel your breath, it will instantly become deeper and slower, and your mind will become calmer. Then gradually you'll become aware of your body, or more precisely the subtle sense of energy inside and around your body. At that moment, you exist as Energy-Consciousness, not as names, jobs, duties, roles, desires, and so on.
Ilchi Lee