When you continue to give without receiving, the only thing you are proving is that you know how to be taken advantage of.
Iyanla VanzantNothing destroys self-worth, self-acceptance and self-love faster than denying what you feel. Without feelings, you would not know where you are in life. Nor would you know what areas you need to work on. Honor your feelings. Allow yourself to feel them.
Iyanla VanzantEvery day is your day if you claim it. If you wait for somebody else to make it for you, you're going to be disappointed.
Iyanla VanzantToday, I choose awareness. I choose to be aware of the beauty of life and living. I choose to be aware of the simple pleasures in life. I choose awareness of joy, awareness of peace, and awareness of love.
Iyanla VanzantA wound needs air in order to heal. We must talk about and expose those things which have hurt or harmed us in some way. Our wounds need nurturing care in order to heal. If we are to nurture and heal, we must admit that the wounds exist. We must carefully do what is necessary to help ourselves feel better.
Iyanla Vanzant