Nothing destroys self-worth, self-acceptance and self-love faster than denying what you feel. Without feelings, you would not know where you are in life. Nor would you know what areas you need to work on. Honor your feelings. Allow yourself to feel them.
Iyanla VanzantI had no preconceived idea what fame would be like, because I never thought I would be famous. I just wanted to do my work. Hell, I just wanted to pay my rent on time.
Iyanla VanzantFrom speaking with my mother I learned that forgiveness is a process that begins with the choice to end your own suffering.
Iyanla VanzantYou are the light of the world. You are an instrument of the Divine. You are the greatest miracle in the world. Life is graced by your presence.
Iyanla VanzantIt is important to acknowledge all your feelings and not beat yourself up for having them. Your feelings are not good or bad, they just are.
Iyanla VanzantForgiveness is a process of giving up the old for something new. Old experiences and memories that we hold on to in anger, resentment, shame, or guilt cloud our spirit mind. The truth is, everything that has happened had to happen. It was a growth experience. There was something you needed to know or learn. If you stay angry, hurt, afraid, ashamed, or guilty, you miss the lesson. You will be stuck in a cloud of pain.
Iyanla Vanzant