It's remarkably easy to dig up enormous amounts of information about individuals, without their consent.
Jamais CascioHuman civilization has been changing the Earths environment for millennia, often to our detriment. Dams, deforestation and urbanization can alter water cycles and wind patterns, occasionally triggering droughts or even creating deserts.
Jamais CascioFutures thinking is hard work. Fortunately, you do get better at it with practice. It's worth the effort.
Jamais CascioWhen we developed written language, we significantly increased our functional memory and our ability to share insights and knowledge across time and space. The same thing happened with the invention of the printing press, the telegraph, and the radio.
Jamais CascioEverything we think about regarding sustainability - from energy to agriculture to manufacturing to population - has a water footprint. Almost all of the water on Earth is salt water, and the remaining freshwater supplies are split between agricultural use and human use - as well as maintaining the existing natural environment.
Jamais Cascio