Like all passions, anger has degrees, ascending from slight vexation through deepening clouds to rage, and finally to fury, which is a black and horrible tempest. In its mid-region, where it is neither too little to be motive nor too furious to be ungovernable, it has usefulness. For all feeling is as fuel, and where there is none life has no fire, and then no flame of ascent.
James Vila BlakeLuck, good or bad, is the invisible play of mind upon affairs, the effect of mental aptitudes and habits which are not in sight, but which work and bring forth their due issues.
James Vila BlakeAs anger is a passion, it is to be ruled; as it is a weak passion, he is weak who rules it not.
James Vila BlakeMeditation ... must be power of will and strength of attention, being like a flight to great heights wherein wings must be plied hard though joyfully.
James Vila BlakeNow, if we understand what unlucky persons are, we shall see that they are to be shunned, or that we are to consort with them only out of kindness or from sympathy, but without joining our interests with theirs; for they are persons who are not harmonious with the condition of things around them, and are as much at issue with life as a bird who should try to live in the water, or a fish to float in the air.
James Vila Blake