Can we think more than one thought at the same time? Most of us know we can't do that. Both hemispheres are always working all of the time. But one of them is always dominant.
Jill Bolte TaylorI really need people to take responsibility for the kind of energy they bring to me.
Jill Bolte TaylorMy stroke of insight would be: peace is only a thought away, and all we have to do to access it is silence the voice of our dominating left mind.
Jill Bolte TaylorThe two hemispheres of the brain are two very different places and they don't share any cell bodies. They are completely separate entities.
Jill Bolte TaylorThe better we understand the choices we have been making, either consciously or unconsciously, the more say we will have in the world we create. Neurocircuitry may be neurocircuitry, but we don't have to run on automatic.
Jill Bolte TaylorThe left hemisphere is very interested in language; it communicates in words, it has a past, a present, and a future; it has a time component and it's all about details. The right hemisphere is more about the right now-right here experience where everything is an enormous collage of all the sensory systems flooding into our brains.
Jill Bolte Taylor