it's a good idea to wait a few months before joining anything when you arrive at a village. A bookseller friend who retired to nearby Oxfordshire, and was worried he might be bored, got himself on to every village committee in the first six months, and spent the next ten years extricating himself.
Jilly CooperA lot of meetings are held to arrange when to have meetings. ... Meetings today are usually called conferences to make them sound more significant.
Jilly CooperI'm not wild about holidays. They always seem a ludicrously expensive way of proving there's no place like home.
Jilly CooperThe aristocrat, when he wants to, has very good manners. The Scottish upper classes, in particular, have that shell-shocked look that probably comes from banging their heads on low beams leaping to their feet whenever a woman comes into the room. Aristocrats are also deeply male chauvinist, and ... on the whole they tend to be reactionary.
Jilly Cooper