Sometimes I forget how much I like riding the bike." Most chicks do," I said. "Roar of the engine and so on." Murphy's blue eyes glittered with annoyance and anticipation. "Pig. You really enjoy dropping all women together in the same demographic, don't you?" It's not my fault all women like motorcycles, Murph. They're basically huge vibrators. With wheels.
Jim ButcherWhatever you do, do it for love. If you keep to that, your path will never wander so far from the light that you can never return.
Jim ButcherI mean, we're all going to die. We know that on an intellectual level. We figure it out when we're still fairly young, and it scares us so badly that we convince ourselves we're immortal for more than a decade afterwards.
Jim ButcherIt always shocked me how you could understand so many things and be such a complete idiot about so many others.
Jim Butcher