The dining room is a building; the bathroom is a building. If we scatter this single-program architecture inside of a domestic environment, we can link an interior urbanism in a way similar to a village or a township of tiny houses.
Jimenez LaiThe role of architecture, in terms of communication, is not going to drastically change either.
Jimenez LaiEvery time I traveled to a new city, I would learn about local heroes I did not know about, and I would learn about their very impressive contribution to their cities.
Jimenez LaiWhat's interesting in archaeology is that we always understand other cultures by digging up their cities; architecture is almost always a way for us to formulate a diagram of how people used to live.
Jimenez LaiCommunication requires cultural context, and technology facilitates our ability to cross-reference ideas over time. Charles Moore were saying: Enough with the sterile, context-less architecture. Enough with the functional-minded frame of operation. How about a little mess? How about a little, let's say, syntax? A little quotation using history? How about some other meanings or symbols? I think that's the only logical reaction when you have to thoughtfully manage the communication of a lot of information.
Jimenez Lai