Having a similar outlook on life is the central key for long-term sustainability in any love relationship.
John FriendThe more knowledge one person has of the other, the greater the intimacy within the relationship.
John FriendThere might be a lot of physical chemistry within a couple, but without the compatibility of life philosophy and interests then the relationship will likely not be long-lasting.
John FriendBe fresh and new when perceiving the other. Always look for the highest first, look for the intrinsic beauty and goodness, for the essence of spirit in your partner.
John FriendBe trustworthy. Steadiness and integrity lead to energetic opening in the other as the blocks in relating dissolve away with deepening trust over time.
John FriendCommunication within the couple includes the open, clear, and honest sharing of feelings, desires, thoughts, interests, and creative ideas. It is in this sharing of the deepest parts of ourselves with another that true intimacy in the relationship is cultivated.
John FriendGive the benefit of the doubt; assume that your beloved's intentions are life-enhancing and positive.
John FriendWithout good communication both verbally and non-verbally, then the love relationship is not sustainable and cannot grow.
John FriendThere are 3 levels of compatibility in intimate relationships that connect the most subtle realm of spirit to the most outer, dense form of body. There must be alignment in heart, through life view and spiritual intention; mind, through clear, open communication; and body, through physical chemistry. Compatibility on all 3 levels of heart, mind, and body is the ultimate love relationship, which everyone is seeking!
John FriendOver time the energy generated in romance and lovemaking provides the vitality that inspires each partner for enthusiastic creative expression in life.
John FriendYoga is about awakening. Yoga is about creating a life that brings more beauty and more love into the world.
John FriendThe two partners in a relationship also need to have some similar interests in addition to a similar life view.
John FriendIt is through our deepest intimate relationships that we can gain some of our soul's most powerful spiritual advancements.
John FriendThe spark of eros provides color and flavor to delight in our sensuality. Without generating this creative juice, many people feel uninspired and dry in their lives.
John FriendThere are 4 types of relationships. We generally know people who guide and help us like a parent or teacher; those who need our wisdom or help like a child or student; people with similar knowledge and experience on our life path who want to offer unconditional support; and those who do not wish to support us.
John FriendSkillfully engaging in intimate relationships can be one of the most potent spiritual practices.
John FriendBe passionate. Generate the magnetic power of eros through sensual, mental, and spiritual delight.
John FriendWe all experience pain and suffering, but it is not the quintessential nature of life. Just because the earth turns away from the sun and night occurs doesn't mean that the sun isn't always shining. It might be hard to see sometimes, but goodness and divine beauty can always be found if you adjust your vision just right.
John FriendReleasing masks and veils allows the other to see you in your authenticity. Guards are dropped, and we can be seen for who we really are: the uniqueness of our personality, the beauty of our soul, our pure spirit.
John FriendMay all of our relationships be gateways to sharing in the highest love and sweetest joys, and to awakening to our full potential.
John FriendEverybody naturally wants to abide in that highest frequency of the heart, and it is often through intimate relationships that we are able to fully know this divine love within ourselves. These close relationships provide us not only with the experience of the highest joy and love in life, but also offer the opportunity for profound self-awareness, because each relationship mirrors both our bright attributes and our shadow sides.
John FriendWe seek fulfillment in our lives through heart connection with others. This is our soul's essence of joy, which spontaneously pulses through us, longing to share itself with another.
John FriendFlow. Be adaptable. Be sensitive like water, feel the other so you can attune and harmonize with your partner.
John FriendFriends range from acquaintances all the way to our best friends and beloveds. A tremendously powerful energetic love can be created from close friends who are highly aligned.
John Friend