I really like umbrellas. It's like, I have a roof! I carry it with me! Umbrellas always amuse me.
John GreenIt is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined.
John GreenI hate the idea that, when it comes to books and learning, hard is often seen as the opposite of fun. It's strange to me that we should be so quick to give up on a book or a math problem when we are so willing to grapple, for centuries if necessary, with a single level of Angry Birds.
John GreenI feel like my life is so scattered right now. Like it's all the small pieces of paper and someone's turned on the fan. But, talking to you makes me feel like the fan's been turned off for a little bit. Like things could actually make sense. You completely unscatter me, and I appreciate that so much.
John Green