There is an old saying, or should be, that it is a wise economist who recognizes the scope of his own generalizations.
John Kenneth GalbraithRalph [ Nader] is an old friend of mine, and he does a useful job in displaying a position.
John Kenneth GalbraithThe attraction of power we take for granted in politics.. But in economics...the for pecuniary return, for money. And I have always felt that denies in the economic world a very large part of the motivation.
John Kenneth GalbraithA wrong decision isn't forever; it can always be reversed. The losses from a delayed decision are forever; they can never be retrieved.
John Kenneth GalbraithIn the affluent society, no useful distinction can be made between luxuries and necessities.
John Kenneth GalbraithA point must be repeated: only the pathological weakness of the financial memory...allows us to believe that the modern experience in any way a new phenomenon.
John Kenneth GalbraithBut now, as throughout history, financial capacity and political perspicacity are inversely correlated.
John Kenneth GalbraithCapitalism is chronically unstable.Boom and bust has always marked capitalism in the United States. There were panics in 1785, 1791, 1819, 1857, 1869, 1873, 1907, 1929 and 1987.In economies and politics, as in war, an astonishing number of people die, like the man on the railway crossing, defending their right of way. This is a poorly developed instinct in Switzerland. No country so firmly avows the principles of private enterprise but in few have the practical concessions to socialism been more numerous and varied.
John Kenneth GalbraithI react pragmatically. Where the market works, I'm for that. Where the government is necessary, I'm for that. I'm deeply suspicious of somebody who says, 'I'm in favor of privatization,' or, 'I'm deeply in favor of public ownership.' I'm in favor of whatever works in the particular case.
John Kenneth GalbraithFrom the spring of 1941, I controlled all prices in the United States. You could lower a price without my permission, but you couldn't raise a price without my permission or that of my staff.
John Kenneth GalbraithUnder the privilege of the First Amendment many, many ridiculous things are said.
John Kenneth GalbraithThe inborn instability of capitalism has been part of the history of the system for several hundred years.
John Kenneth GalbraithThe shortcomings of economics are not original error but uncorrected obsolescence. The obsolescence has occurred because what is convenient has become sacrosanct. Anyone who attacks such ideas must seem to be a trifle self-confident and even aggressive. The man who makes his entry by leaning against an infirm door gets an unjustified reputation for violence. Something is to be attributed to the poor state of the door.
John Kenneth GalbraithFew economic problems, if any, are difficult of solution. The difficulty, all but invariably, is in confronting them. We know what needs to be done; for reasons of inertia, pecuniary interest, passion or ignorance, we do not wish to say so.
John Kenneth GalbraithIf a man didn't make sense, the Scotch felt it was misplaced politeness to try to keep him from knowing it. Better that he be aware of his reputation, for this would encourage reticence which goes well with stupidity.
John Kenneth GalbraithSuperficial observers have long criticized the United States for making a fetish of youth. This is unfair. Uniquely among modern organs of public and private administration, its national legislature rewards senility.
John Kenneth GalbraithIn economics, hope and faith coexist with great scientific pretension and also a deep desire for respectability.
John Kenneth GalbraithWere it part of our everyday education and comment that the corporation is an instrument for the exercise of power, that it belongs to the process by which we are governed, there would then be debate on how that power is used and how it might be made subordinate to the public will and need. This debate is avoided by propagating the myth that the power does not exist.
John Kenneth GalbraithI am worried about our tendency to over invest in things and under invest in people.
John Kenneth GalbraithWe can safely abandon the doctrine of the eighties, namely that the rich were not working because they had too little money, the poor because they had much.
John Kenneth GalbraithMy rule on honorary degrees has always been to have one more than Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
John Kenneth GalbraithIn any great organization it is far, far safer to be wrong with the majority than to be right alone.
John Kenneth GalbraithIdeas are inherently conservative. They yield not to the attack of other ideas but to the massive onslaught of circumstance with which they cannot contend.
John Kenneth GalbraithI'm certainly going to support Al Gore because, on the whole, he's the more sensible figure and you vote not for the perfect but for the best. Coupled with that is a special situation.
John Kenneth GalbraithIn the old days, land was important as the giver of all things. That period is gone now. Technology and brainpower are all that matters and yet conflicts over land, specially one like on the India-China border, that yields nothing, continue. This is a burden of ancient history that we continue to carry. If tomorrow there is settlement on planet Mars, we will begin to worry if others are interested.
John Kenneth GalbraithA more important antidote to American democracy is American gerontocracy. The positions of eminence and authority in Congress are allotted in accordance with length of service, regardless of quality.
John Kenneth GalbraithThe ideas by which people . . . interpret their existence and in measure guide their behavior, were not forged in a world of wealth.
John Kenneth GalbraithWorld War II revealed two of the enduring features of the Keynesian Revolution. One was the moral difference between spending for welfare and spending for war. During the Depression very modest outlays for the unemployed seemed socially debilitating, economically unsound. Now expenditures many times greater for weapons and soldiers were perfectly safe. It's a difference that still persists.
John Kenneth GalbraithIn the usual (though certainly not in every) public decision on economic policy, the choice is between courses that are almost equally good or equally bad. It is the narrowest decisions that are most ardently debated. If the world is lucky enough to enjoy peace, it may even one day make the discovery, to the horror of doctrinaire free-enterprisers and doctrinaire planners alike, that what is called capitalism and what is called socialism are both capable of working quite well.
John Kenneth GalbraithPerhaps never before or since have so many people taken the measure of economic prospects and found them so favorable as in the two days following the Thursday [24th October 1929] disaster.
John Kenneth GalbraithWealth, in even the most improbable cases, manages to convey the aspect of intelligence.
John Kenneth GalbraithThe Senate has unlimited debate; in the House, debate is ruthlessly circumscribed. There is frequent discussion as to which technique most effectively frustrates democratic process.
John Kenneth GalbraithNo solution [to the problem of poverty] is so effective as providing income to the poor. Whether in the form of food, housing, health services, education or money, income is an excellent antidote for deprivation. No truth has spawned so much ingenious evasion.
John Kenneth GalbraithSmoking dope and hanging up Che's picture is no more a commitment than drinking milk and collecting postage stamps. A revolution in consciousness is an empty high without a revolution in the distribution of power.
John Kenneth GalbraithThird party politics, at least since La Follette, has always had an element of romance.
John Kenneth GalbraithWisdom... is often an abstraction associated not with fact or reality but with the man who asserts it and the manner of its assertion.
John Kenneth GalbraithIn the market economy the price that is offered is counted upon to produce the result that is sought.
John Kenneth GalbraithThe modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth GalbraithThings that come from the private sector are in abundant supply; things that depend on the public sector are widely a problem. We're a world, as I said in The Affluent Society, of filthy streets and clean houses, poor schools and expensive television.
John Kenneth GalbraithAnd there was a deeper, less visible effect of the Truman loyalty program. Seeing its consequences for certain individuals and fearing its intrusion on their own lives, many in the government sought protection by strongly asserting their anti-Communism. In the public action that ensued, policy was based not on reality but, instinctively or deliberately, on personal caution...Those who urged a militant and sometimes military anti-Communism were considered sound, trustworthy and personally safe; those who questioned such a course were politically unsafe, possible even slightly disloyal.
John Kenneth Galbraith