Watching a movie should be like hunting. Out of context, every image of the cinema is yours for a split second. Take them before they bury it.
John Waters"How could you think of such awful things?" liberal critics always ask. "How else could I possibly amuse myself?" I always wonder.
John WatersMaybe there is no better novel in the world than Denton Welch's In Youth Is Pleasure. Just holding it in my hands, so precious, so beyond gay, so deliciously subversive, is enough to make illiteracy a worse social crime than hunger.
John WatersI like art that challenges you and makes a lot of people angry because they don't get it. Because they refuse to look at it properly. Rather than open their mind to the possibility of seeing something, they just resist. A lot of people think contemporary art makes them feel stupid. Because they are stupid. They're right. If you have contempt about contemporary art, you are stupid. You can be the most uneducated person in the world and completely appreciate contemporary art, because you see the rebellion. You see that it's trying to change things.
John Waters