Most people believe a new idea must be fully baked and ready-for-primetime. That is like saying a newborn child should have a college degree and be self-sustaining on day one. Like children, new ideas need to be nurtured, shaped, and protected. People often hold back ideas since they are not ready to defend sharp criticism. Companies that celebrate "creative sparks" and reserve judgment while ideas mature are the ones that enjoy significantly more creativity and innovation.
Josh LinknerInstitutions too often focus their energy preserving the problem to which they are a solution than to innovate their way to success.
Josh LinknerThe inhibitor of creativity isn't potential it's fear. We worry about saying the wrong thing or looking foolish so we govern our imagination.
Josh LinknerIt's better to over-pay for A-level talent early on, even if you can't afford it. They will drive exponential value and help you win faster.
Josh Linkner