I am a canvas of my experiences, my story is etched in lines and shading, and you can read it on my arms, my legs, my shoulders, and my stomach.
Kat Von DMakeup is part of my daily routine. It's the time in my mornings when I can concentrate on me, and me alone. Giving yourself the kind of attention is so important - and is something that is definitely glossed over by to many women
Kat Von DI'm a stickler about never going to bed with makeup on. Like, all I can hear is my pores screaming, "Nooooooo!" So I'm a saint when it comes to cleansing.
Kat Von DWho are your heroes? Why do you look up to them? Why do we respect those who live and think for themselves as opposed to doing what is expected? We all admire the idea of living a life unbound by thoughts of fear. People who seem to live that dream inspire us to want to do the same. They mirror the qualities that we possess but are too scared to access.
Kat Von D