It is a pity that so often the only way to treat girls like people seems to be to treat them like boys.
Katharine WhitehornIn my next life I want to be a pessimist. Then other people could spend all their time cheering me up.
Katharine WhitehornI am all for people having their heart in the right place; but the right place for a heart is not inside the head.
Katharine WhitehornNewish friends, if they get ghastly, can be weighed and found wanting, but you'd never do a thing like that to old ones; their terrible habits are just part of the universe.
Katharine WhitehornPerennials are the ones that grow like weeds, biennials are the ones that die this year instead of next and hardy annuals are the ones that never come up at all.
Katharine WhitehornIt might be marvelous to be a man - then I could stop worrying about what's fair to women and just cheerfully assume I was superior, and that they had all been born to iron my shirts. Better still, I could be an Irish man - then I would have all the privileges of being male without giving up the right to be wayward, temperamental and an appealing minority.
Katharine Whitehorn