But then back on lithium and rotating on the planet at the same pace as everyone else, you find your credit is decimated, your mortification complete: mania is not a luxury one can easily afford. It is devastating to have the illness and aggravating to have to pay for medications, blood tests, and psychotherapy. They, at least, are partially deductible. But money spent while manic doesn't fit into the Internal Revenue Service concept of medical expense or business loss. So after mania, when most depressed, you're given excellent reason to be even more so.
Kay Redfield JamisonSuicide Note: The calm, Cool face of the river Asked me for a kiss. -Langston Hughes
Kay Redfield JamisonIf I can't feel, if I can't move, if I can't think, and I can't care, then what conceivable point is there in living?
Kay Redfield JamisonNature is the first tutor. No one remains untouched or unschooled by the earth, seasons, and heavens.
Kay Redfield JamisonThere is an assumption, in attaching Puritan concepts such as 'successful' and 'unsuccessful' to the awful, final act of suicide, that those who 'fail' at killing themselves not only are weak, but incompetent, incapable even of getting their dying quite right.
Kay Redfield JamisonI have often asked myself whether, given the choice, I would choose to have manic-depressive illness. If lithium were not available to me, or didn't work for me, the answer would be a simple no... and it would be an answer laced with terror. But lithium does work for me, and therefore I can afford to pose the question. Strangely enough, I think I would choose to have it. It's complicated.
Kay Redfield Jamison