Even though the means of production are more available than ever, I think the true expertise is as rare as ever.
Khoi VinhDesigners from start to finish now in digital media have to think in a much more sort of thoughtful serious and humble way about how design audiences will receive their products.
Khoi VinhI have a few memories of being young here in the United States, but almost no recollections of being young in Vietnam.
Khoi VinhThings have a behavior online, whereas in print, there is a single canonical expression for them, but online everything responds to different criteria or has inherent states to it based on that criteria. So, you have to design that in a different way. It's a completely different dynamic even though it may look similar.
Khoi VinhI guess if there was a desert island scenario and I only could take one font with me, I guess it would be Helvetica, though it has it's limitations, I think it's incredibly versatile and gets the job done and I also think it's one of the typefaces that will really survive the test of time beyond the next several decades if not into the next century.
Khoi Vinh