Children are the ultimate investment of all of those that want to make money, to sell, to dominate. So there are two meanings. They are our ultimate investment for anyone who is honest and ethical and loving, but also for all the commerce.
Laura HuxleyOne asana is strong, then again another is very soft and gentle. So you have this modulation from one asana to another, just as you have from one feeling to another. Then they all, of course, make you lighter, give you space. I feel that space is what I get and receive and like to have - space inside which makes more space for openness outside.
Laura HuxleyHow can we speak about "drugs"? It is like speaking about the human race - each person is different, each drug is different!
Laura HuxleyThe preparation for conception to me is one of the most important things, if we are we interested in the general progress of our species.
Laura HuxleyVery often mothers go to work right away after the child is born and, unless the father or someone else stays home, this is quite serious. A baby has to be near its kin most of the time when he is little for three, four or five years. To give him this grounding, this feeling of connection, this feeling of relationship, is the most important thing.
Laura Huxley