I feel that if I establish the world or the premise from the first line, then I can get the reader to come with me where I want her to go.
Laurie FoosWhen a certain show or film or celebrity captures the imagination of the masses that has a good deal to say about us, I think, and what is happening in our collective psyche.
Laurie FoosI think there's a fine line between being so obtuse that you lose the reader completely, which is the intention for some writers, though it isn't mine. I work hard at grounding the world as much as possible in the world we do recognize.
Laurie FoosI don't see the direct correlation between my personal life and the novel I'm writing until I'm at the end of the novel or very close to it.
Laurie FoosUsually at the core of fiction that has some element of the absurd there tends to be an examination of some societal ills that we should talk about more than we do. And it's funny, of course, so we have that release valve with absurdism. It offers us a safe way to explore difficult subject matter.
Laurie Foos