When I look out the window at my backyard, I can't think of anything interesting to ask. I mean, it's green, it's growing-but nothing occurs to me that any concentrated effort of thought could possibly enlighten. Whereas in economic, statistical, or mathematical kinds of things, I can think lots of questions.
Lawrence SummersIt's important to remember how fortunate we are as a country to have a currency and a bond market that is seen in every way as a source of strength and it's a huge responsibility for us to keep it that way.
Lawrence SummersSpread the truth-the laws of economics are like the laws of engineering. One set of laws works everywhere.
Lawrence SummersIt used to be said that when the U.S. sneezed, the world caught a cold. The opposite is equally true today.
Lawrence SummersThe availability of private insurance provides tremendous insulation for millions of individuals
Lawrence Summers