A tale begun in other days, When summer suns were glowing - A simple chime, that served to time The rhythm of your rowing - Whose echoes live in memory yet, Though envious years would say 'forget.
Lewis CarrollIn proceeding to the dining-room, the gentleman gives one arm to the lady he escorts--it is unusual to offer both.
Lewis CarrollWhy is a raven like a writing desk? - Mad Hatter I haven't the slightest idea. - Alice
Lewis Carroll"It's very good jam," said the Queen. "Well, I don't want any to-day, at any rate." "You couldn't have it if you did want it," the Queen said. "The rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but never jam to-day." "It must come sometimes to "jam to-day,""Alice objected. "No it can't," said the Queen. "It's jam every other day; to-day isn't any other day, you know." "I don't understand you," said Alice. "It's dreadfully confusing."
Lewis Carroll