When shopping at Dunkin' Donuts, pretend you are the mother of nine. Say things like, 'Little David likes cream-filled and Susie wanted jelly.' That way, no one will be suspicious when you order a dozen donuts with one cup of coffee to go.
Linda SunshineA basic rule of baking is that, in general, it's almost impossible to make an inedible batch of brownies.
Linda SunshineThe strongest common bond between the genders is the universally acknowledged truth that both men and women are unhappy with their hair.
Linda SunshineSingle people slip out of the dating market for many social, economic, psychological, and ideological reasons including marriage, illness, bankruptcy, job promotion, exhaustion, and common sense. Inevitably, however, they return because of divorce, boredom, loneliness, and memory loss.
Linda Sunshine