Our acquaintancesโnot our friendsโare our greatest source of new ideas and information. the internet lets us exploit the power of these kinds of distant connections with marvellous efficiency.
Malcolm GladwellThere is more going on beneath the surface than we think, and more going on in little, finite moments of time than we would guess.
Malcolm GladwellPerformance ought to improve with experience, and pressure is an obstacle that the diligent can overcome.
Malcolm GladwellSuperstar lawyers and math whizzes and software entrepreneurs appear at first blush to lie outside ordinary experience. But they don't. They are products of history and community, of opportunity and legacy. Their success is not exceptional or mysterious. It is grounded in a web of advantages and inheritances, some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky - but all critical to making them who they are. The outlier, in the end, is not an outlier at all.
Malcolm Gladwell