There are many who hold, as I do, that the most important part of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when a man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers.
Maria MontessoriThe first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child independent of the adult.
Maria MontessoriLove and the hope of it are not things one can learn; they are a part of life's heritage.
Maria MontessoriEducation should no longer be most imparting of knowledge, but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentialities.
Maria MontessoriThere are many who hold, as I do, that the most important part of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when a man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers.
Maria Montessori