It should be for satsang that we go to spiritual centers. By going there, people who are involved in the world can attain peace and concentration. The concentration gained when one goes there cannot be achieved if one sits at home. Even though the breeze blows everywhere, coolness will be felt more if we sit in the shade of a tree. In the same way, although God is all-pervading, this presence will clearly shine in certain places more than others. That is the greatness of satsang. Satsang is the best thing for spiritual advancement.
Mata AmritanandamayiIt is my children who have made all this possible. My children are my wealth; they are my strength.
Mata AmritanandamayiLearn to be thankful to everyone, to the entire creation, even to your enemy and also to those who insult, because they all help you to grow
Mata AmritanandamayiWhen love and compassion fills your heart, you find newness in every moment, and life becomes a celebration.
Mata AmritanandamayiNo matter who causes you grief, take your complaints to the meditation room, where your real friend is. In addition to your husband or wife, you should have a friend - and that friend should be God. Even if your husband or wife makes you unhappy, tell that to God, and not to anyone else. If your neighbor picks a fight with you, go to the meditation room and complain, 'Why did you let him treat me like that? Weren't you with me?' Open your heart and tell God everything. Then it becomes a satsang.
Mata Amritanandamayi