Pure love is the best medicine for the modern world. This is what is lacking in all societies. The root cause of all problems, from personal problems to global problems is the absence of love. Love is the binding factor, the unifying factor. Love creates the feeling of oneness among people. It unifies a nation and its people. Love creates a sense of unity while hatred causes division. Egotism and hatred cuts people's minds into pieces. Love should rule. There is no problem which love cannot solve.
Mata AmritanandamayiThe indicator of true knowledge is the ability to differentiate what uplifts us from what pulls us down.
Mata AmritanandamayiMarried life, if lived with the proper love and understanding, helps awaken the feminine within a man, and the masculine within a woman.
Mata AmritanandamayiIf we let go of our likes and dislikes, we will become fit vessels to receive the God's ever flowing grace.
Mata AmritanandamayiChildren, when we go to the temple, do not hurry to have darshan, then make some offering and return home in a hurry. We should stand there patiently in silence for some time and try to visualize the beloved deity in our hearts. If possible, we should sit down and meditate. At each step, remember to do japa. Amma doesn't say that the offerings and worship are not necessary, but of all the offerings we make, what the Lord wants most is our hearts!
Mata Amritanandamayi