Fill your hearts with love and gratitude. Life gives us what we need and not necessarily what we want. It follows its own wisdom, which is often incomprehensible to our gross minds. We should learn to accept situations in life. This attitude of acceptance is the secret to happiness.
Mata AmritanandamayiThe beauty and charm of selfless love and service should not die away from the face of this earth. The world should know that a life of dedication is possible, that a life inspired by love and service to humanity is possible.
Mata AmritanandamayiWhen someone is full of Love and Compassion, he cannot draw a line between two countries, two faiths or two religions.
Mata AmritanandamayiIf we have some pet animals, we should feed them also before taking our food. Perceive God in every living being and feed them with that attitude.
Mata AmritanandamayiChildren, daily practice of yoga or sun salutations (surya-namaskara) is very good for health and for spiritual practice. Lack of proper exercise is the cause of many of today's diseases. If we can get somewhere in time on foot, always walk instead of taking a vehicle. It is good exercise. Only if we have to go far should we depend on vehicles. Use a bicycle, whenever possible. This will save money, too.
Mata Amritanandamayi