Well, just being stupid and politically incorrect doesn't work. You can be politically incorrect if you're smart.
Mel BrooksThe audience. They see the name Mel Brooks, they want something really funny. They don't want to be moved; they don't want to be taught any lessons. [...] I get more letters for ๏ปฟTwelve Chairs ๏ปฟand ๏ปฟLife Stinks๏ปฟ than I get from any other movies, because people actually agree with the philosophy, or were moved, or they love the movie.
Mel BrooksNever retire! Do what you do and keep doing it. But don't do it on Friday. Take Friday off. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, go fishing...Then Monday to Thursday, do what you've been doing all your life. My point is: Live full and don't retreat.
Mel BrooksI'm married to a beautiful and talented woman who can lift your spirits just by looking at you.
Mel BrooksWhen I'm writing a script, I don't worry about plot as much as I do about people. I get to know the main characters - what they need, what they want, what they should do. That's what gets the story going. You can't just have action, you've got to find out what the characters want. And then they must grow, they must go somewhere.
Mel Brooks