We see and understand more about our behaviors. We come aware. And aware. And aware. . . Often, we feel uncertain about what to do with all this awareness.
Melody BeattieEmbrace and love all of yourself - past, present, and future. Forgive yourself quickly and as often as necessary. Encourage yourself. Tell yourself good things about yourself.
Melody BeattieToday, I will let go. I will stop trying to control everything. I will stop trying to make myself be and do better, and I will let myself be.
Melody BeattieLet your mind and soul be at ease. Don't grasp and grab for the magic and miracles. When you reside in that place of stillness, the joy, miracles, and magic you're seeking will find you.
Melody BeattieWorrying, obsessing, and controlling are illusions. They are tricks we play on ourselves.
Melody Beattiethere are no knights on white horses, no magical grandmothers in the sky watching, waiting to rescue us. Teachers may come our way, but they will not rescue. They will teach. People who care will come, but they will not rescue. They will care. Help will come, but help is not rescuing. We are our own rescuers. Our relationships will improve dramatically when we stop rescuing others and stop expecting them to rescue us.
Melody Beattie