As you know macrobiotics has helped thousands of sick people; but this is kindergarten. The purpose of macrobiotics is to become free to change all of this world into what we want - unhappiness to happiness, sickness to health, war to peace, misery to love. When you attain this freedom you become the children of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Michio KushiMany people believe that they were made by their parents: 'I didn't ask to be born.' they cry. This is completely wrong. Please try to remember when your were five. If you try then you will remember that this memory had no beginning. It seems as if you can remember living infinitely; that your life didn't begin when you were born but continues without limit.
Michio KushiYou, the real you, which is creating your body and judging every day - that is the Infinite Universe itself.
Michio KushiIf you are eating well and your condition is pure and clean, life itself becomes like the dreams or visions that you have when sleeping.
Michio Kushi