To engage a sequence, we keep in mind the photographs on either side of the one in our eye.
Minor WhiteCamera and eye are together a time machine with which the mind and human being can do the same kind of violence to time and space as dreams.
Minor WhiteThe camera is first a means of self-discovery and a means of self-growth. The artist has one thing to say - himself.
Minor WhiteWe could teach photography as a way to make a living, and best of all, somehow to get students to experience for themselves photography as a way of life.
Minor WhiteThe reason why we want to remember an image varies: because we simply 'love it,' or dislike it so intensely that it becomes compulsive, or because it has made us realize something about ourselves, or has brought about some slight change in us. Perhaps the reader can recall some image, after the seeing of which he has never been quite the same.
Minor White