If you sit down and just keep quiet...you are in the state of Self-Awareness. ..keeping quiet means being without any techniques, effort or intention to meditate...not following the thought stream...not pursuing the senses, no imagination...s uch an intense Self-focusing comes without any effort...then, by itself...out of nowhere, wisdom and insights come.
MoojiAttention pays attention to a lot of things, but when attention pays attention to attention, then there is a stillness, and that stillness introduces you to your Self.
MoojiDay by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance your own pure heart. Keep quiet.
MoojiLet the world call you lazy for not running about like a frightened ghost. Just be quiet inside yourself. Don't bother about knowing how things should be and simply begin observing without prejudice, projections or desires. Notice how life flows of its own accord. Nothing here is a chaos, but a harmony. You are already inside this flow.