When you know you know nothing, an air of openness and humility prevails. Then real understanding enters the mind.
MoojiYou are here. You are not the one who will go and come. Let what you're suffering from go and come, not you. You stay put.
MoojiThe mind is like the wind. You're trying to stop the wind, dressed as a kite. How are you going to do it?
MoojiAt the end of the day, you can have something in your head, something in your hand, or something in your heart. What are you choosing?
MoojiYou don't have to transcend something that you have no interest in... it may come but it finds no food.
MoojiDon't expect anything from anybody, this is also a great freedom. Don't expect things to be different or people to be in service to you or your own life or projections. Feel gradually that natural feeling of detachment. Dont watch constantly with the eyes of relationship and past and so on. Stay faithful to your own discovery, leave the rest and life will take care of it.