Before practicing meditation, we see that mountains are mountains. When we start to practice, we see that mountains are no longer mountains. After practicing a while, we see that mountains are again mountains. Now the mountains are very free. Our mind is still with the mountains, but it is no longer bound to anything.
Nhat HanhIn the Light of interbeing, peace and happiness in your daily life means peace and happiness in the world.
Nhat HanhWe will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves. And we'll also have a lot more joy in living.
Nhat HanhWe try to live every moment like that, dwelling peacefully in the present moment, and respond to events with compassion.
Nhat HanhTo develop understanding, you have to practice looking at all living things with the eyes of compassion.
Nhat Hanh